The Cheabols Youngest Son

3 min read 13-10-2024

The Cheabols Youngest Son

Introduction of Main Characters

  1. Ji-Hoon - The youngest son of a powerful chaebol family. Ji-Hoon is a dreamer with a passion for technology and innovation, striving to create something that helps the common people rather than further enrich his already wealthy family.

  2. Mi-Sook - A fierce and resourceful investigative journalist determined to expose corruption among the wealthy elite. She sees Ji-Hoon as both a potential ally and an unwitting pawn in the schemes of the chaebol.

  3. Chairman Park - Ji-Hoon's father, a shrewd and traditional businessman who believes in maintaining family honor and reputation above all else. He epitomizes the expectations of the chaebol lifestyle.

  4. Soo-Jin - Ji-Hoon’s elder sister, a savvy businesswoman who often feels overshadowed by her brother’s apparent carefree nature. She hopes to prove her worth to her father while being a protective figure for Ji-Hoon.

Scene 1: The Chaebol Legacy

Visual Cue: A sprawling mansion, surrounded by luxury cars and manicured gardens. Opulent decor inside, showcasing wealth and power.


  • Chairman Park: “Remember, Ji-Hoon, you are not just a son; you are the heir to our legacy. Our reputation depends on you.”
  • Ji-Hoon: “But Father, I want to innovate, to change lives, not just manage what’s already there!”

Scene 2: A Secret Encounter

Visual Cue: A dimly lit café, where Mi-Sook sits at a corner table typing on her laptop, observing Ji-Hoon from afar.


  • Mi-Sook: (to herself) “There he is, the golden boy. If I can get him to talk, I might uncover the truth about the chaebol’s dirty dealings.”

Action: Ji-Hoon accidentally drops a business card that falls into Mi-Sook’s hands, prompting her to approach him.

Central Conflict

Twist: Mi-Sook learns that Ji-Hoon is secretly developing a tech start-up focused on sustainable energy. Chairman Park discovers Ji-Hoon's ambitions and pressures him to abandon his project, claiming it would tarnish the family name if he fails.

Scene 3: The Pressure Builds

Visual Cue: A heated family dinner at the mansion. Tension hangs in the air as Ji-Hoon and Chairman Park clash.


  • Chairman Park: “You must understand, Ji-Hoon, you are a Park. You do not stray from the path.”
  • Ji-Hoon: “But what if that path is wrong? I want to fight for change!”

Scene 4: Unlikely Allies

Visual Cue: Mi-Sook and Ji-Hoon meet in a secret location—an old factory repurposed as a co-working space for tech enthusiasts.

Action: As they collaborate, they uncover a web of corruption involving the chaebol family and environmental violations linked to their business.


  • Mi-Sook: “If we work together, we can not only expose them but also gather public support for your startup!”
  • Ji-Hoon: “I’m in! We need to fight this together.”


Scene 5: The Showdown

Visual Cue: An intense press conference where Ji-Hoon stands against his father and the corporate giants, flanked by Mi-Sook and supporters from his startup.

Action: Ji-Hoon reveals the truth about his family's corrupt practices while presenting his sustainable tech solution.


  • Ji-Hoon: “We cannot keep hiding behind wealth. It’s time to put people before profits!”
  • Chairman Park: (in disbelief) “You’ve betrayed our family!”

Climactic Moment: Mi-Sook plays an audio recording of the illegal practices, shocking the crowd and the media.

Scene 6: New Beginnings

Visual Cue: A vibrant launch event for Ji-Hoon's tech startup, bustling with eager supporters and journalists.


  • Mi-Sook: “You did it, Ji-Hoon! This is just the beginning.”
  • Ji-Hoon: “I couldn’t have done it without you. Together, we’ll change the world!”

Closing Thoughts

As Ji-Hoon steps into a new life, he learns that true legacy is not just about wealth but about making a positive impact.

For more thrilling tales of ambition and revolution, check out our other stories on The Rebellious Heir and Tech and Treachery!
