Read Tsurezure Children Chapter 1

3 min read 10-10-2024

Read Tsurezure Children Chapter 1


Main Characters:

  • Haruka: A shy, artistic high school girl who struggles with expressing her feelings but dreams of confessing her love to her childhood friend, Riku.
  • Riku: An easy-going, athletic boy who is oblivious to Haruka's feelings. He is focused on helping his teammates succeed in sports.
  • Miyuki: Haruka's bubbly best friend who encourages her to take risks in love, often leading to comedic situations.
  • Kaito: Riku's competitive classmate who secretly admires Haruka and is determined to win her heart.


  • Haruka wants to confess her love to Riku before graduation.
  • Riku aims to help his team win the upcoming championship while remaining blissfully unaware of Haruka’s feelings.
  • Miyuki wants to help Haruka break out of her shell and find happiness in love.
  • Kaito aims to impress Haruka and outshine Riku to win her affection.

Scene Breakdown

Scene 1: The Setup

  • Visual Cue: A vibrant high school setting with colorful lockers, students chatting, and Riku practicing basketball.
  • Dialogue:
    • Haruka (thinking): "How can I tell Riku I love him? He’s always surrounded by his teammates..."
    • Miyuki: “You’ve got to show him how you feel, Haru! Trust me, action speaks louder than words!”

Scene 2: The Plan

  • Visual Cue: In the school cafeteria, Haruka and Miyuki are brainstorming creative ways for Haruka to express her feelings.
  • Dialogue:
    • Haruka: “What if I draw a portrait of him? It could be a sweet gesture!”
    • Miyuki: “Or you could write him a poem! Let’s make it happen!”

Scene 3: The Challenge

  • Visual Cue: Kaito overhears their conversation, eyes gleaming with determination. He hatches a plan to steal Haruka’s attention from Riku.
  • Dialogue:
    • Kaito (smirking): “A drawing? That won’t do. I need to show her that I’m the better choice!”
  • Action Sequence: Kaito challenges Riku to a basketball match to showcase his skills and impress Haruka.

Scene 4: The Match

  • Visual Cue: An intense basketball game, with Riku showing off his athletic prowess while Kaito performs impressive tricks.
  • Dialogue:
    • Riku: “You think you can beat me, Kaito? Bring it on!”
    • Haruka (nervously): “I just want both of them to shine…”
  • Twist: Haruka realizes that her feelings for Riku may not be as straightforward as she thought, especially as she sees Kaito’s determination.

Scene 5: Confession Mishaps

  • Visual Cue: As Haruka prepares to present her drawing to Riku, a series of comical mishaps occur, leading to misunderstandings.
  • Dialogue:
    • Haruka (flustered): “Wait, no! That’s not what I meant to say!”
    • Miyuki (facepalming): “At this rate, you might scare him off!”
  • Action Sequence: Haruka accidentally spills juice on Riku while trying to get his attention, causing chaos and laughter around them.

Scene 6: The Realization

  • Visual Cue: After the chaos, Haruka takes a moment to reflect on her true feelings in a quiet corner of the school.
  • Dialogue:
    • Haruka (thinking): “Maybe I’m not ready for this… but I can’t let Kaito take my chance either!”

Central Conflict

  • As Haruka grapples with her insecurities, Kaito devises a plan to ask her out, forcing Riku to confront his own feelings about Haruka. A love triangle begins to form, filled with tension and unspoken emotions.

Scene 7: The Confrontation

  • Visual Cue: A rooftop scene at sunset where Riku finds Haruka deep in thought.
  • Dialogue:
    • Riku: “Why do you look so sad, Haruka? You should be happy.”
    • Haruka: “I just… I wish I could tell you how I really feel.”
  • Twist: Just as Haruka opens up, Kaito arrives, throwing a wrench into the moment.

Scene 8: Resolution

  • Visual Cue: A climactic showdown where Haruka finally decides to take charge of her feelings.
  • Dialogue:
    • Haruka: “Riku! I—”
    • Kaito: “Wait! Haruka, I can offer you excitement!”
  • Haruka interrupts Kaito, steeling herself, and finishes her confession.
  • Action Sequence: Riku reacts with surprise, while Kaito looks on with a mix of shock and admiration.


  • Visual Cue: The three characters share a moment of honesty, creating a bond, regardless of the outcome of their love triangle.
  • Dialogue:
    • Riku: “I never realized you felt that way. Let’s explore this together!”
    • Haruka: “I’m glad I spoke up. No matter what happens, I value our friendship.”

This storyline concludes the chapter while leaving the door open for future developments in their relationships.

For more about character dynamics in romantic situations, check out Understanding Love Triangles in Comics and Creating Tension in Romance Narratives.
