My Gf Is A Zombie

3 min read 10-10-2024

My Gf Is A Zombie


Main Characters:

  • Max: A quirky, upbeat teenager who works at a local comic book store. He loves all things horror and dreams of becoming a graphic novelist.
  • Lily: Max’s girlfriend, who recently started acting oddly after a mysterious meteor shower. Unbeknownst to Max, she has turned into a zombie but retains her intelligence and emotional connection to him.


  • Max: To create a graphic novel that combines elements of romance and horror.
  • Lily: To find a way to stay with Max while figuring out how to reverse her zombie condition.


  • Max is unaware of Lily’s transformation and struggles to figure out why she's acting strangely.
  • Lily grapples with her new zombie urges and the fear of losing Max as her condition worsens.

Comic Structure

Scene 1: The Meteor Shower

Visual Cue: A vibrant night sky filled with shooting stars, focusing on a brilliant meteor shower.


  • Max: "Check out those meteors! I need to write about this for my graphic novel!"
  • Lily: "Yeah, beautiful... Isn’t it weird how magical nights can be?"

Scene 2: Unusual Behaviors

Visual Cue: A montage of Lily’s quirky new habits - she’s suddenly obsessed with brain foods, has a disinterest in sunlight, and occasionally groans.


  • Max: (noticing) "Um, Lily, you okay? You sound... different?"
  • Lily: (nervously) "Yeah, I just, uh... have been watching a lot of cooking shows lately!"

Scene 3: The Revelation

Visual Cue: Max walks in on Lily devouring raw meat while talking to a group of crows perched outside.


  • Max: "Lily?! What are you doing?!"
  • Lily: (panicking) "I can explain! I’m a zombie, but I’m still me!"

Scene 4: Finding a Solution

Visual Cue: A dark, cluttered room filled with old tomes and mystical artifacts as the duo researches ways to revert Lily’s condition.


  • Max: "We need to find a way to fix this!"
  • Lily: "I’ve heard about a mystical potion at the old witch’s shop! Let’s go!"

Scene 5: Confrontation with the Witch

Visual Cue: A mysterious, fog-covered alley leading to the witch's shop, illuminated only by flickering lanterns.


  • Witch: "You seek to reverse the zombie curse? It won't come without a price."
  • Max: "Whatever it takes to save her!"

Twist: The Price of Humanity

Visual Cue: The witch reveals the price — a piece of Max’s own humanity.


  • Witch: "You must sacrifice a memory of your happiest moment together."
  • Lily: "No, Max! I won’t let you do that!"

Scene 6: Heartfelt Decision

Visual Cue: A montage of their best moments together — laughter, fun, and adventures; then Max holding Lily’s hand with determination.


  • Max: "Lily, I love you enough to risk this."
  • Lily: "But what if it changes who you are?"

Central Conflict: Love vs. Sacrifice

Visual Cue: Tension builds as Max considers the witch's offer and Lily becomes distressed, fading in and out of a zombie-like state.

Scene 7: Choosing Love

Visual Cue: Max ultimately chooses to sacrifice his most treasured memory — the day they first met — and it glows as it leaves him.


  • Max: "As long as we’re together, we can make new memories!"
  • Lily: "Thank you, Max! I’ll never forget you!"

Resolution: A New Beginning

Visual Cue: The witch brews a potion with a bright, swirling mix of colors, and after taking it, Lily transforms back into a human but with subtle remnants of her zombie past, such as an occasional appetite for rare meats.


  • Max: "You’re back!"
  • Lily: (smirking) "And I think I still want some sushi!"


In this quirky tale of love, sacrifice, and the unexpected nature of life as a couple, Max and Lily navigate the challenges that come with their unique situation. Together, they learn that love can conquer even the most bizarre challenges.

For more thrilling tales about unconventional love stories, check out Zombie Love Chronicles and explore the adventures in Undead Romance.

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