Logging 10000 Years Into The Future 123

3 min read 12-10-2024

Logging 10000 Years Into The Future 123


Main Characters:

  1. Chrono, a time-traveling historian from the year 3023, with a knack for technology and a desire to understand humanity's past.

  2. Echo, a spirited AI that exists within Chrono's wrist device. She provides analysis, history lessons, and witty commentary, but longs for a physical form.

  3. Zara, a rebel scientist from the year 2023 who believes that understanding the future is the key to preventing humanity's downfall.


  • Chrono aims to log pivotal moments from 10,000 years into the future to help humanity learn from its mistakes.
  • Echo desires to help Chrono and eventually experience the world outside of her device.
  • Zara seeks to prevent a catastrophic event she believes will arise from an ignorance of future implications.


  • They must contend with the unpredictable effects of time travel and a rogue group of time bandits who want to erase future knowledge for their gain.

Scene Outline

Scene 1: A Glitch in Time

Visual Cue: A high-tech laboratory filled with holographic screens.

  • Panel 1: Chrono adjusts a holographic dial, pushing buttons frantically.

    • Chrono: "Just a few more tweaks, and we can log the future!"
  • Panel 2: Echo’s avatar flickers with excitement.

    • Echo: “Fingers crossed, Chrono! I can’t wait to see what lies ahead!”

Scene 2: The Leap

Visual Cue: A swirling vortex of colors as they time travel.

  • Panel 1: Chrono and Echo, engulfed in glowing light, are transported through time.

    • Chrono: "Hold tight, this is gonna be a wild ride!"
  • Panel 2: Zara, watching them from her lab, looks determined.

    • Zara: “If they don’t learn from the future, we’ll face extinction!”

Scene 3: The Future Unveiled

Visual Cue: A dystopian landscape, overgrown with vegetation, remnants of advanced technology scattered.

  • Panel 1: Chrono and Echo land amidst the ruins of a futuristic city.

    • Echo: “This looks like a warning sign… What happened here?”
  • Panel 2: Zara suddenly appears, startling them.

    • Zara: “It’s worse than I thought! You two have to help me!”

Scene 4: The Time Bandits Strike

Visual Cue: Shadowy figures emerging from the broken skyline.

  • Panel 1: Time bandits appear, wielding devices that can erase memories.

    • Leader: “Give us your knowledge of the future, or suffer the consequences!”
  • Panel 2: Chrono activates a protective shield, pushing Zara behind him.

    • Chrono: “Not on my watch!”

Scene 5: The Epic Confrontation

Visual Cue: A sprawling battle with futuristic weapons and clever maneuvers.

  • Panel 1: Zara uses her invention to turn the time bandits’ devices against them.

    • Zara: “You can’t erase history if we’re in control!”
  • Panel 2: Echo, with a sudden burst of energy, manifests her avatar into a glowing humanoid.

    • Echo: “Now it’s my turn to fight!”

Scene 6: The Central Conflict

Visual Cue: A fierce standoff between Chrono, Zara, and the time bandits.

  • Panel 1: Echo fights valiantly but realizes she can only distract them.

    • Echo: “We need to outsmart them, Chrono!”
  • Panel 2: Chrono devises a plan.

    • Chrono: “Let’s combine our skills to trap them in a time loop!”

Scene 7: A New Dawn

Visual Cue: The dawn breaking over the restored city landscape.

  • Panel 1: Time bandits are caught in a shimmering vortex, endlessly repeating their last moments.

    • Chrono: “Looks like time is not on their side anymore!”
  • Panel 2: Zara stands with Chrono and Echo, surveying the land.

    • Zara: “We changed the course of history today!”

Scene 8: Reflections and Resolutions

Visual Cue: A serene landscape, nature thriving alongside remnants of technology.

  • Panel 1: Chrono logs the day’s events into his device.

    • Chrono: “We did it! A new chapter awaits humanity.”
  • Panel 2: Echo smiles, now permanently manifested in her humanoid form.

    • Echo: “And I finally get to explore the world!”


  • As they prepare to return to their time, they reflect on the lessons learned and the importance of history. The comic ends with a cliffhanger hinting at other timelines they must explore together.

By logging their journey, Chrono, Echo, and Zara have ensured that the mistakes of the past will not define the future.

For more thrilling adventures involving time travel, check out Chrono's New Quest: Time Lost and Found and Echo's Awakening: The Rise of AIs.
