2 5 Jigen No Ririsa Manga

3 min read 12-10-2024

2 5 Jigen No Ririsa Manga

Main Characters

  1. Ririsa: A brave and adventurous high school girl who possesses the ability to manipulate dimensional portals. She dreams of becoming a dimension explorer to uncover secrets hidden in different realms.

  2. Kaito: Ririsa’s childhood friend and tech whiz. He creates gadgets that help her navigate through dimensions. His goal is to support Ririsa while dealing with his own insecurities about being in her shadow.

  3. Emperor Void: The main antagonist, a tyrant from the Dimension of Shadows who seeks to invade other dimensions to gain ultimate power. He possesses dark magic and has a personal vendetta against Ririsa's family.

Scene Breakdown

Scene 1: Introduction to the World

  • Visual Description: The comic opens with vibrant panels of various dimensions: bright colors for happy realms and darker tones for ominous places.
  • Dialogue:
    • Ririsa (enthusiastically): "Imagine the adventures waiting in each of these worlds, Kaito! We could explore the unknown!"
    • Kaito (nervously): "But what if we get trapped? Or worse—what if we run into Emperor Void?"

Scene 2: The Call to Adventure

  • Visual Description: Ririsa discovers an ancient map hidden in an old book in the school library, glowing with ethereal energy.
  • Dialogue:
    • Ririsa: "This could lead to the fabled Dimension of Wonders! We have to go, Kaito!"
    • Kaito: "You know what happened to the last explorers, right?"

Scene 3: The Portal Opens

  • Visual Description: Ririsa activates her portal ability, and swirling colors envelop them, transporting them to the Dimension of Wonders.
  • Action Sequence: As they step through, they are met by fantastical creatures and breathtaking landscapes. Suddenly, they are ambushed by shadow creatures sent by Emperor Void.

Scene 4: Facing the Shadow Creatures

  • Visual Description: Dark, ominous creatures emerge, contrasting with the vibrant backdrop of the dimension.
  • Dialogue:
    • Ririsa: "We can't let them stop us! This is just the beginning!"
    • Kaito (frantically): "I’ll cover you, Ririsa! Use the gadget I made!"

Scene 5: The Encounter with Emperor Void

  • Visual Description: In a grand palace of shadows, Ririsa and Kaito confront Emperor Void, who is cloaked in darkness.
  • Dialogue:
    • Emperor Void: "You think you can disturb my realm? You will pay for your intrusion!"
    • Ririsa: "We’re here to stop you! Your reign ends today!"

Scene 6: A Twist in the Fight

  • Visual Description: As the battle intensifies, Ririsa suddenly discovers a hidden power within herself tied to her family’s legacy.
  • Twist: The power activates, revealing a connection to Emperor Void, as he claims Ririsa’s lineage is tied to his own.

Scene 7: The Central Conflict

  • Visual Description: Ririsa is torn between her heritage and her quest to protect the dimensions.
  • Dialogue:
    • Ririsa (struggling): "I refuse to be part of your dark legacy!"
    • Kaito (supporting): "You are not him, Ririsa! You’re stronger than you know!"

Scene 8: The Final Showdown

  • Visual Description: An epic battle ensues with swirling energy and flashes of light as Ririsa and Kaito fight against Emperor Void’s magic.
  • Action Sequence: Ririsa harnesses her newfound power to close the dimension portals that Emperor Void is trying to use for his conquest.

Scene 9: Resolution

  • Visual Description: With a powerful blast of energy, Ririsa sends Emperor Void back to his dimension, sealing the portal behind him.
  • Dialogue:
    • Ririsa: "This is the last time you’ll threaten my world!"
    • Kaito: "You did it, Ririsa! You’ve become the hero of this dimension!"

Scene 10: A New Beginning

  • Visual Description: Ririsa and Kaito return to their world, changed and more determined than ever.
  • Dialogue:
    • Ririsa: "There are so many more dimensions to explore. We need to prepare for the next adventure!"
    • Kaito: "And I’ll be right there with you—no shadows can stop us!"


Ririsa and Kaito look out towards the horizon, ready for their next dimension-hopping adventure, with new goals and courage forged in battle. The comic closes with the ancient map glowing, hinting at more secrets waiting to be uncovered.

For more exciting adventures, check out our latest explorations in the "Worlds Unveiled" and delve into the mysteries of "Hero’s Journey: A Tale of Dimensions."
